Learn how to capture the position offset of a weed sprayer.
I want to record the location of a weed sprayer to measure its offset.
You should thoroughly review the Ground Control Points guide first.
This guide builds on capturing GCPs.
You must have Trimble Mobile Manager and your DA2 configured.
You should have your DA2 attached to the 90-degree elbow adapter.
You will need access to the Cab App inside the sprayer.
Verify your active org and Switch Active Organization as necessary.
When uploading, you should be connected to WiFi for best results.
The resulting feature set will be attached to your active organization.
The app will calculate an offset of -0.154m
for all points to offset your elbow adapter.
From the Home Screen:
Tap on your field.
Tap on the Points button.
Tap on the + button on the top left.
Tap on Sprayer Offset.
Move your DA2 over the spot on the sprayer you wish to record.
Wait for the app to report 0.01 m
accuracy and for the Current Location to display a green status.
Tap Save Location.
Snap a photo of the Cab App displaying its location coordinates.
Tap the Save button on the top right.
Confirm by tapping on Save.
The app has saved the data locally to your Apple Device.
You can either upload later or start the upload now.
From the Field Point Details screen:
Tap the Upload button.
Verify your network connectivity by reviewing the network indicators.
Tap the Upload button to start processing.
Once the upload has been completed, tap the Done button to return to your Field Point List.
If you want to see a preview of the process, please review the Ground Control Points guide for more details.