The app consumes and produces multiple types of data. This section will describe the purpose and format of each type.
The app can import and export multiple data types for a flight plan.
The app can read .csv and .json files to produce a flight plan.
A CSV file can populate a flight boundary in the app. Flight parameters cannot be included in the CSV file; only boundary coordinates can be imported with this file format.
The boundary points should be ordered correctly from a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
There must be exactly two fields per row.
If the .csv column labels are lat,lon
or absent, the subsequent rows must contain precisely two fields, ordered latitude and longitude.
There is an example CSV file below.
If the .csv column labels are lon,lat
the subsequent rows must contain precisely two fields ordered longitude and latitude.
A .json file can provide both flight boundary (geometry) and flight parameters to the app.
The file must follow the JSON Schema below.
Below is an example JSON file that conforms to the schema above.
The app can export .kmz files representing flight plans with flight parameters and coordinates.
The app can export a flight plan for use in DJI Pilot 2.
The format of the KMZ file is documented on DJI's Developer Page.