Hardware and System Software Overview
App-controlled missions require the app to stay active and in the foreground.
Backgrounding the app will prevent camera triggers, among other issues.
FieldAgent Mobile must always be in the foreground when the app is executing a mission.
The app requires an iPhone or iPad with support for iOS 13.0 or later.
The app offers enhanced performance and features on an iPad Mini Gen 6 (USB-C) or later.
FieldAgent Mobile lets you execute a flight plan directly on older DJI platforms.
On modern DJI drones that support DJI Pilot 2, the app can export a compatible KMZ flight plan.
Flight Planning and Autonomous Missions
This page describes which DJI Drone Models are supported.
Ensuring your drone's firmware is always up-to-date is not just a recommendation; it's crucial for maintaining stability and ensuring your safety during flight.
See DJI's Download Center for more details.
Each drone model has unique capabilities.
Some models support executing an autonomous mission directly from the app, while others allow you to import KMZ files created by the app.
These drones can be flown directly from the app after planning a flight. The app can upload and execute an autonomous mission, report flight telemetry, and report log files to the FieldAgent platform.
Inspire 2 (I2)
Matrice 200 (M200)
Matrice 210 (M210)
Matrice 300 (M300)
Mavic 2 Pro (M2P)
Phantom 4 Pro V2 (P4Pv2)
See the related page for more information on how to Fly a Drone.
The following drones have DJI Pilot 2 support on their RC. The app can export a compatible KMZ file, which can be imported into DJI Pilot 2.
Matrice 300 (M300)
Matrice 350 (M350)
Mavic 3 Enterprise (M3E)
Mavic 3 Multispectral (M3M) **
Mavic 3 Thermal (M3T) **
The Mavic 3 Multispectral (M3M) and Mavic 3 Thermal (M3T) are not entirely supported. Sentera will improve support for these drones in a future version of the app.
See the related page for more information on how to use Flight Plan Export.
The app does not support the following drones. They can not be flown with the app and do not support flight plan export.
Agras Series Drones
Air Series
Inspire 1
Matrice 100 (M100)
Matrice 600 (M600)
Mavic 2 Pro Zoom (M2P)
Mavic 3 (M3)
Mini Series
Phantom 3 (P3)
Phantom 4 (P4)
Phantom 4 Advanced
Phantom 4 Multispectral
Phantom 4 Pro - V1 (P4P)
Phantom 4 RTK
Spark Series
The mobile app does not support flying Matrice Series drones with RTK enabled.
Use Flight Plan Export on drones with Support for Flight Plan Export to enable the RTK flights.
Supported Mobile Devices
iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max and up
iPhone X, Xr, Xs, Xs Max
Most iPhone models released since 2018 are compatible with the app.
iPad Pro
iPad Air (3rd Gen) and Up
iPad (7th Gen) and up
iPad Mini 5 and up
Most iPad models released since 2018 are compatible with the app.
16 GB of device storage
WiFi or Cellular connectivity
A data connection is required to load FieldAgent account information.
Terrain Informed Flights require a data connection at the field edge.
For the best app experience, you should have the latest version of iOS.
Devices with Lightning port connectors may have issues with some older models of DJI Drones.
Using older device models will lead to a degraded experience.
Version Requirements
The app requires iOS 13.0 or later.
For the best experience, using the latest version available is recommended.
See Apple's iOS webpage for more details on the latest software.
Flight Planning Support
Phantom 4 Pro V2 (DJI FC6310)
Mavic 2 Pro
Zenmuse XT
Zenmuse X3
Zenmuse X4S
Zenmuse X5 with Stock Lens
Zenmuse X5S with Stock Lens
Zenmuse P1 with 35mm Lens
Mavic 3 Enterprise
Mavic 3 Thermal
Mavic 3 Multispectral
The app supports flight planning with the cameras listed above. However, not all drones that support these cameras are flyable in the app.
For example, Mavic 3 Enterprise can be selected to plan a flight. The flight plan must be exported to execute an autonomous mission in DJI Pilot 2 on the drone's RC.
See the related pages for more information on how to Fly a Drone or use Flight Plan Export.
Flight Planning Support
All Sentera Cameras have first-class mobile app support for performing autonomous missions and flight plan export.
This is a comprehensive list of Sentera Sensors that can be used to plan a flight:
Sentera Single: NDVI and NDRE
Sentera Double 4K: Ag+, Analytics, Multispectral, NDRE, NDVI/NDRE, Weed Mapper
Sentera Double 4K Skyport: Ag+, Analytics, Multispectral, NDRE, NDVI/NDRE, Weed Mapper
Sentera 6X: Multispectral and Thermal
Sentera 6X Skyport: Multispectral and Thermal
Sentera 65R: 27mm (Standard) and 43mm
Sentera 65R DGR: 27mm (Standard) and 43mm
See the user guides for Sentera 6X and Sentera 65R for more details.
Skyport cameras can be used for flight planning. However, only the Matrice 200/210 and Matrice 300 are supported for executing autonomous missions.
The Matrice 350 and later require a flight plan to be exported and executed inside DJI Pilot 2 on the drone's RC.
See the related pages for more information on how to Fly a Drone or use Flight Plan Export.
Additional hardware for transferring files.
This hardware is only necessary for transferring files to and from your .
It is required when viewing imagery from a camera's SD card or .
Your Sentera equipment kit may have come with an SD Card Reader. You will be able to use it with a compatible Apple Device.
If you need a reader, purchase one compatible with your Apple device.
Photo Capture Requirements
Not all SD cards are equal.
You must use quality SD cards to maintain a high capture rate on any camera.
Most cameras and applications require a minimum of class 3 (U3 ~ 100mb/s) card or better.
Not all brands of SD cards are the same, even with the advertised class ratings. If you have problems with a specific manufacturer, try a more reputable maker for your next drone flight.
You can use the tool below to format SD cards for Sentera cameras.
All SD Cards used in Sentera cameras must be formatted in FAT32.
Sentera Single must have a card with a capacity of less than or equal to 32GB.
Sentera Double 4K must have a card with a capacity of less than or equal to 64GB.
If you exceed the capacity requirements above, the camera will fail to boot or take photos correctly.
If your card is too big, it will not work.
If the card is not formatted in FAT32, it will not work.
SD cards that are used in DJI cameras should be formatted using their companion app.
DJI Pilot 2
Most DJI cameras do not support a capture rate of greater than 1000ms.
The Mavic 2 Pro typically requires 2 seconds or more between photo captures.
For more information about your drone and camera, please refer to your owner's manual, which can be found on DJI's .
Please plan your flight accordingly. If you see skipped photos, then refer to this .