Field Details
A complete guide to Field Details
Last updated
A complete guide to Field Details
Last updated
Tap a field from the Home Screen to view Field Details.
Tapping on the Directions button will open a mapping app on your device with directions from your current location to the centroid of the field's boundary.
Field Notifications can be displayed by tapping the Notifications button. Field Notifications are not available for all fields or accounts.
A list of tasks for the field can be displayed by tapping the Tasks button.
Field Points can be accessed by tapping on the Points button. The workflows for these points are detailed on this page.
When Field Details are first displayed, the Field Boundary is selected and displayed on the map. It is represented as the blue box overlayed on the map.
The field boundary and other custom shapes can be toggled on the map by tapping a shape in the shape list.
When imagery is uploaded to FieldAgent, it is contained inside of a Survey. You can view the processed imagery and analytic data by selecting a layer in the Surveys List.
On the Shapes List, you can swipe to fly a field boundary or shape or tap three times on an item to open Flight Planning. This works for both the field boundary and any custom shape that has been created.
Flight Planning is detailed in this section of the guide.