Flight Tasks
A complete guide to Flight Tasks
Last updated
A complete guide to Flight Tasks
Last updated
You can access your Task List from the Home screen by tapping the Menu button and selecting the Tasks item.
Each Task in the list displays a summary of information.
The information displayed is described in this figure from left to right, top to bottom.
Field Name
The Name of the task.
Assigned to
You can tap on the any task item to view Task Details.
You can tap a Task from the Task List to view Task Details.
The Task Details Table contains information about the task, such as who assigned it, scheduled and targeted dates, and what field it belongs to.
The Assigned to section displays who the task is assigned to.
If the task is Unassigned, you can tap on Assign to Me, and the app will update the task assignment.
If the task has been assigned to you, you can tap the Unassign button to change its status to unassigned.
The Scheduled Date indicates when the task is intended to be completed.
You can tap the Update button to change the Scheduled Date.
The Targeted Date shows the original date the task was intended to be completed. It is generally set when the Order is created.
The Status displays the current state of the task.
When a task is incomplete, you can tap the Complete button to set it as completed.
You should only complete a task based on your team's standard operating procedure.
Manually completing a task can result in the order being unfulfilled.
Here is a figure showing the task status and its meaning.
The task is created and awaiting image upload.
The task was marked completed.
The task was associated with a survey, and images were uploaded.
The Field displays which field the task is associated with.
You can tap on he Field name to display Field Details.
The Product shows what product was ordered to generate this task.
The Survey shows the name of the survey that was associate with this task.
When a task is Open or Completed, then a survey has not been uploaded with the task associated.
The Notes field displays any notes that were attached to the task when the order was placed.
In certain cases the notes will display the required flight parameters that the task should be flown with. It may also contain important information about the task.
The Sundial field allows you to view solar times for the field.
The Sundial will automatically choose the Scheduled Date or Targeted Date for the task. You can adjust the date as necessary.
The Fly Now button will open flight planning with the task information.
From Task Based Flight Planning, you will be able to adjust your flight plan accordingly before you Fly a Drone or Export.
The name of the for this task.
This is either the or the of the task.
The for the task.
The user who is currently the task.
The of the task.